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Daily Irish Translation Challenge; Answers

Daily Irish Translation Challenge; Answers

How do you say in Irish? 

On this page, you'll find the answers to our daily translation challenges. 

Ar an leathanach seo, gheobhaidh tú na freagraí ar ár ndúshláin aistriúcháin laethúla. 



Challenge #145

Challenge #144

Challenge #143

Challenge #142

Challenge #141

Challenge #140

Challenge #139

Challenge #138

Challenge #137

Challenge #136

Challenge #135

Challenge #134

Challenge #133

Challenge #132

Challenge #131

Challenge #130

Challenge #129

Challenge #128

Challenge #127

Challenge #126

Challenge #125

Challenge #124

Challenge #123

Challenge #122
Challenge #121

Challenge #120

Challenge #119
Challenge #118

Challenge #117

Challenge #116

Challenge #115

Challenge #114

Challenge #113

Challenge #112

Challenge #111

Challenge #110

Challenge #109

Challenge #108

Challenge #107

Challenge #106

Challenge #105

Challenge #104

Challenge #103

Challenge #102

Challenge #101

Challenge #100

Challenge #99

Challenge #98

Challenge #97

Challenge #96

Challenge #95

Challenge #94

Challenge #93

Challenge #92

Challenge #91
Challenge #90

Challenge #89

Challenge #88

Challenge #87

Challenge #86

Challenge #85

Challenge #84

Challenge #83

Challenge #82

Challenge #81

Challenge #80

Challenge #79

Challenge #78

Challenge #77

Challenge #76

Challenge #75

Challenge #74

Challenge #73

Challenge #72

Challenge #71

Challenge #70

Challenge #69

Challenge #68

Challenge #67

Challenge #66

Challenge #65

Challenge #64

Challenge #63

Challenge #62

Challenge #61

Challenge #60

Challenge #59

Challenge #58
Challenge #57

Challenge #56

Challenge #55

Challenge #54

Challenge #53

Challenge #52

Challenge #51

Challenge #50

Challenge #49

Challenge #48

Challenge #47

Challenge #46

Challenge #45

Challenge #44

Challenge #43

Challenge #42

Challenge #41 

Challenge #40

Challenge #39 

Challenge #38

Challenge #37

Challenge #36

Challenge #35

Challenge #34

Challenge #33

Challenge #32

Challenge #31

Challenge #30

Challenge #29

Challenge #28

Challenge #27

Challenge #26

Challenge #25

Challenge #24

Challenge #23

Challenge #22

Challenge #21

Challenge #20

Challenge #19

Challenge #18

Challenge #17

Challenge #16

Challenge #15

Challenge #14

Challenge #13

Challenge #12

Challenge #11

Challenge #10

Challenge #9

Challenge #8

Challenge #7

Challenge #6

Challenge #5

Challenge #4

Challenge #3

Challenge #2

Challenge #1



๐Ÿ‘‰Irish Translation Challenge #145

Ceist; What is 'Now is my chance' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Seo é mo sheans/ Seo é mo dheis

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #144

Ceist; What is 'It's very windy today' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá sé an-ghaofar inniu, tá sé an-gharbh inniu

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #143

Ceist; What is 'I'm busy with other things' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá mé gafa/gnóthach le rudaí eile

Tá cúraimí eile orm

Tá rudaí eile ar m'aire

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #142

Ceist; What is 'Your room is messy ' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá do sheomra trí chéile

Tá do sheomra ina chiseach/ ina phraiseach

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #141

Ceist; What is 'I'm completely knackered' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá mé sáraithe amach is amach

Tá mé tugtha traochta

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #140

Ceist; What is 'That's what I can't understand' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Sin an rud nach dtuigim

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #139

Ceist; What is 'You have to be quiet' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Caithfidh tú a bheith ciúin, or, 

Caithfidh sibh a bheith ciúin

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #138

Ceist; What is 'Stand up straight' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Seas suas díreach

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #137

Ceist; What is 'I'm too tired to go out' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá mé róthuirseach le dul amach

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #136

Ceist; What is 'Have you anything arranged for the weekend?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

An bhfuil aon rud eagraithe agat don deireadh seachtaine?

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #135

Ceist; What is 'Are you going to the parade?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

An bhfuil tú ag dul chuig an bparáid?

An bhfuil tú ag dul go dtí an pharáid?

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #134

Ceist; What is 'This one is better' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá an ceann seo níos fearr

Is fearr an ceann seo

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #133

Ceist; What is 'Why did you do that?’' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cén fáth a ndearna tú é sin?

Cad chuige a ndearna tú é sin?

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #132

Ceist; What is 'What's that for?’' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Céard le haghaidh é sin?

Cad chuige é sin?

Cad é an fheidhm atá leis sin?

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #131

Ceist; What is 'Where is it?' 'Dunno’' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cá bhfuil sé?' 'Níl a fhios agam.

Cá bhfuil sé?' 'Ní fheadar.'

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #130

Ceist; What is 'I missed that - what did you say?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Chaill mé é sin - céard a dúirt tú?

Níor chuala mé é sin - cad é a dúirt tú?

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #129

Ceist; What is 'Have a good day' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bíodh lá maith agat

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #128

Ceist; What is 'Do you know any Irish?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

An bhfuil aon Ghaeilge agat?

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #127

Ceist; What is 'I'll be there later' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Beidh mé ann níos moille / Beidh mé ann níos deireanaí / Beidh mé ann níos déanaí

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #126

Ceist; What is 'look who it is' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Féach cé atá ann, Breathnaigh cé atá ann, Amharc cé atá ann

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #125

Ceist; What is 'Do that again and I'll kill you' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Déan é sin arís agus maróidh mé thú

Maróidh mé thú má dhéanann tú é sin arís

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #124

Ceist; What is 'I've said that time and again' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá sé sin ráite arís agus arís eile agam

Tá sé sin ráite fiche uair agam

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #123

Ceist; What is 'I did my best!' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Rinne mé mo dhícheall!

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #122

Ceist; What is 'Have a nice time' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bain sult as!

Bíodh an-spraoi agat!

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 


Irish Translation Challenge #121

Ceist; What is 'We had a nice meal' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí béile deas againn

Bhí béile blasta againn

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #120

Ceist; What is 'He came in dripping wet' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tháinig sé isteach agus é fliuch báite

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #119

Ceist; What is 'Toss the pancake' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Caith an phancóg in airde

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!

Irish Translation Challenge #118

Ceist; What is 'It's a great shame' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Is mór an trua é

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #117

Ceist; What is 'I'm sure it's fine' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá mé cinnte go bhfuil sé go breá

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #116

Ceist; What is 'It looks better' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá cuma níos fearr air/ Is fearr an chuma atá air

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #115

Ceist; What is 'He has a bad cold' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá slaghdán trom air

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #114

Ceist; What is 'Christmas is getting closer' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá an Nollaig ag teannadh linn

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #113

Ceist; What is 'I know nothing about it' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Níl aon eolas agam ina thaobh

Níl a fhios agam a dhath fá dtaobh de

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #112

Ceist; What is 'He's fine about it' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ní miste leis faoi

Níl sé ag cur isteach ná amach air

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #111

Ceist; What is 'I was awfully tired' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí an-tuirse orm

Bhí mé iontach tuirseach

Bhí mé thar a bheith tuirseach

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #110

Ceist; What is 'It's becoming colder' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá sé ag éirí níos fuaire

Tá sé ag dul i bhfuaire

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #109

Ceist; What is 'just calm down!' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

As ucht Dé ort, tóg go réidh é!

Beir bog ort féin, in ainm Dé!

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #108

Ceist; What is 'I'm getting a sore throat' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá mo scornach ag éirí tinn

Tá sceadamán nimhneach ag teacht orm

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #107

Ceist; What is 'The leaves are crinkly.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá na duilleoga craptha

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #106

Ceist; What is 'They get very tired.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Éiríonn siad an-tuirseach

Tagann an-tuirse orthu

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #105

Ceist; What is 'I'm giving up sweets.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá mé ag éirí as milseáin

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #104

Ceist; What is 'The children like to dress up' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Is maith le páistí iad féin a ghléasadh suas

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #103

Ceist; What is 'We'll all have breakfast before we go' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Beidh an bricfeasta againn go léir sula n-imeoimid

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #102

Ceist; What is 'It wasn't all that hard' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ní raibh sé chomh deacair sin

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #101

Ceist; What is 'I'm tired, that's all' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá tuirse orm, sin an méid

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #100

Ceist; What is 'It was dark when we came home' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí sé dorcha nuair a thángamar abhaile

*or tháinig muid

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #99

Ceist; What is 'The kids were throwing things around' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí na páistí ag caitheamh rudaí thart

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #98

Ceist; What is 'I haven't done the dinner yet' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Níl an dinnéar déanta go fóill agam

Níor réitigh mé an dinnéar go fóill

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #97

Ceist; What is 'It takes a good bit of time' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tógann sé roinnt mhaith ama

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #96

Ceist; What is 'I haven't the foggiest idea' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Níl tuairim faoin spéir agam

Níl barúil dá laghad agam

Níl a fhios agam beo

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #95

Ceist; What is 'I'm too tired to go out' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá mé róthuirseach le dul amach

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #94

Ceist; What is 'What's that noise?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cad é an torann sin?

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #93

Ceist; What is 'Which is your bag?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cé acu do mhálasa?

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #92

Ceist; What is 'Don't let the cold air in' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ná lig an t-aer fuar isteach

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #91

Ceist; What is 'We're in for a great game today' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá cluiche iontach i ndán dúinn inniu

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!

Irish Translation Challenge #90

Ceist; What is 'It is dirty weather' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá aimsir shalach ann

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #89

Ceist; What is 'Okay, everybody ready?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ceart go leor, an bhfuil gach duine réidh?

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #88

Ceist; What is 'Come in out of the rain!' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tar isteach ón bhfearthainn!

Tar isteach ón mbáisteach!

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #87

Ceist; What is 'Don't be like that, I was only joking' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Éirigh as, ní raibh mé ach ag magadh

Ná bí mar sin, ní raibh mé ach ag magadh

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #86

Ceist; What is 'It's not so bad, like ' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Dhera níl sé chomh holc sin

Níl sé chomh dona sin, muise

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #85

Ceist; What is 'We were there for like a week' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhíomar ann ar feadh seachtaine nó rud éigin

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #84

Ceist; What is 'Did the storm do much damage? ' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

An ndearna an stoirm mórán damáiste?

An ndearna an stoirm puinn díobhála?

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #83

Ceist; What is 'The storm is petering out' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá an stoirm ag maolú

Tá an stoirm ag lagú

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #82

Ceist; What is 'What does it look like?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cén chuma atá air?

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #81

Ceist; What is 'Would you like a coffee?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ar mhaith leat caife?

An mbeidh caife agat?

An bhfuil tú ag iarraidh caife??

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #80

Ceist; What is 'Have you anything arranged for the weekend?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

An bhfuil aon rud eagraithe agat don deireadh seachtaine?

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #79

Ceist; What is 'We're out of milk' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Táimid rite as bainne, or, Níl aon bhainne fágtha againn

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #78

Ceist; What is 'I'm busy with other things' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá mé gafa le rudaí eile

Tá cúraimí eile orm

Tá rudaí eile ar m'aireé

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #77

Ceist; What is 'Yesterday was very cold' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí an lá inné an-fhuar

Bhí sé an-fhuar inné

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #76

Ceist; What is 'It's getting dark' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá sé ag éirí dorcha,

Tá sé ag dul ó sholas

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #75

Ceist; What is 'You caught me at a bad time' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tháinig tú orm in antráth

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #74

Ceist; What is 'I have a bad cold in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá slaghdán trom orm

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #73

Ceist; What is 'Don't let the cold air in' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ná lig an t-aer fuar isteach

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #72

Ceist; What is 'I had a little break' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí sos beag agam

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #71

Ceist; What is 'The Earth is getting hotter' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá an Domhan ag éirí níos teo

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #70

Ceist; What is 'A fine autumnal day' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

lá breá fómhair

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #69

Ceist; What is 'I got a call from the school ' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ghlaoigh an scoil orm

Fuair mé scairt ghutháin ón scoil

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #68

Ceist; What is 'That's what I call a nice cup of tea' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Sin an rud a dtabharfainnse cupán deas tae air

Sn anois cupán deas tae agat

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #67

Ceist; What is 'She goes to school on her bicycle' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Téann sí ar scoil ar a rothar

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #66

Ceist; What is 'it's a foggy day' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Lá ceo atá ann

Lá ceomhar atá ann

Tá an lá ina cheo

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #65

Ceist; What is 'It's autumn' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá sé ina fhómhar

Tá an fómhar ann

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #64

Ceist; What is 'They broke their promise.'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhris siad a ngeall.

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #63

Ceist; What is 'I was just about to leave'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí mé díreach ar tí imeacht

Bhí mé díreach réidh le himeacht

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #62

Ceist; What is 'How did you break it?. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cén chaoi ar bhris tú é?

Conas a bhris tú é?

Cén dóigh ar bhris tú é?

Cad é mar a bhris tú é?

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #61

Ceist; What is 'Now you tell me'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Anois atá tú á rá liom

Anois a deir tú liom é

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #60

Ceist; What is 'I'm not turning back now!'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Níl mé ag dul ar ais anois!

Níl mé ag casadh ar ais anois!

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #59

Ceist; What is 'how much did you get for them?'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cá mhéad a fuair tú orthu? 

or cé mhéad

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #58

Ceist; What is 'The course is free, so take advantage of this!'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá an cúrsa saor in aisce, tapaigh do dheis!

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #57

Ceist; What is 'There's nothing easy about it'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Níl rud ar bith éasca faoi

Níl dada furasta fá dtaobh de

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #56

Ceist; What is 'It's a long journey from here to Galway'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Is turas fada é as seo go Gaillimh.

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #55

Ceist; What is 'I have a bit of news'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá scéilín beag agam

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #54

Ceist; What is 'I walked there and back'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Shiúil mé ann agus as, shiúil mé ann agus ar ais

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #53

Ceist; What is 'Sorry I'm late'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Gabh mo leithscéal as bheith déanach

Gabhaim pardún as bheith déanach

Tá mé buartha go bhfuil mé mall

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #52

Ceist; What is 'By next Friday at the latest'. in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Faoin Aoine seo chugainn ar a dhéanaí

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #51

Ceist; What is 'I found it useful' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí sé úsáideach agam

Bhí mé in ann leas a bhaint as

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #50

Ceist; What is 'I missed that - what did you say?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Chaill mé é sin - céard a dúirt tú?

Níor chuala mé é sin - cad é a dúirt tú?

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #49

Ceist; What is 'You've been arsing about all summer' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá tú i do shuí ar do thóin an samhradh ar fad

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #48

Ceist; What is 'The rubbish is collected on Mondays' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bailítear an bruscar ar an Luan

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #47

Ceist; What is 'That's a good question' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Sin ceist mhaith

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #46

Ceist; What is 'Ah, wise up! in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Arú, beir ar do chiall!

Arú, bíodh ciall agat!

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #45

Ceist; What is 'He's back at work now' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá sé ar ais ag obair anois

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #44

Ceist; What is 'You deserve better than that' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá níos fearr ná sin tuillte agat

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #43

Ceist; What is 'Things are getting better' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá rudaí ag dul i bhfeabhas

Tá cuma níos fearr ag teacht ar chúrsaí

Tá rudaí ag éirí níos fearr

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #42

Ceist; What is 'We had a very busy/active weekend ' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí deireadh seachtaine an-ghnóthach againn

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #41

Ceist; What is 'I'm just after opening it' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Táim díreach tar éis é a oscailt

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #40

Ceist; What is 'I met her today' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhuail mé léi inniu

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #39

Ceist; What is 'It’s the weekend' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá deireadh na seachtaine buailte linn

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #38

Ceist; What is 'Everyone slacks off on Friday' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tógann gach aon duine breá bog ar an Aoine é, or

Ligimid uile na maidí le sruth ar an Aoine

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #37

Ceist; What is 'We'll go away for the long weekend' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Rachaimid áit éigin don deireadh seachtaine fada

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #36

Ceist; What is 'That's the best one so far' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Sin an ceann is fearr go dtí seo

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #35

Ceist; What is 'Do as you wish' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Déan mar is mian leat

Déan mar is toil leat

Déan do rogha rud

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #34

Ceist; What is 'They lost by two points' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Chaill siad le dhá chúilín 

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #33

Ceist; What is 'It was a great game' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

An-chluiche a bhí ann, or 

Cluiche iontach a bhí ann

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #32

Ceist; What is 'It's closed on Saturdays' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bíonn sé dúnta ar an Satharn

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!



Irish Translation Challenge #31

Ceist; What is 'We’ll be there for a week' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Beimid seachtain ann, or

Beimid ann ar feadh seachtaine

*beidh muid (separated form as an option too). 

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #30

Ceist; What is 'Come in out of the rain' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tar isteach as an mbáisteach

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!

Irish Translation Challenge #29

Ceist; What is 'I spent all day yesterday in the garden' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Chaith mé an lá ar fad inné sa ghairdín, or

Bhí mé sa ghairdín an lá uilig inné

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #28

Ceist; What is 'It will start to rain soon' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tosóidh sé ag cur báistí go luath

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #27

Ceist; What is 'Today is Monday' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Inniu an Luan

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #26

Ceist; What is 'He comes here every week' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tagann sé anseo gach seachtain, or chuile sheachtain

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #25

Ceist; What is 'This is your last chance' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Seo an seans deireanach agat

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #24

Ceist; What is 'It won't take up much time' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ní thógfaidh sé mórán ama, or

Ní ghlacfaidh sé mórán ama

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #23

Ceist; What is 'There's nothing else like it' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Níl aon rud eile ann cosúil leis, or 

Níl aon rud eile ann mar é, or

Níl aon rud eile chomh maith leis

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #22

Ceist; What is 'I'm just after opening it' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Táim díreach tar éis é a oscailt

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #21

Ceist; What is 'What about a cup of tea?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Céard faoi chupán tae? = What about a cup of tea? 

An ólfá cupán tae? = Would you drink a cup of tea?

Cad é a déarfá le cupán tae? = What would you say to a cup of tea? 

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #20

Ceist; What is 'It's about time I went home' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá sé in am agam dul abhaile.

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #19

Ceist; What is 'Forget about hime' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Déan dearmad air.

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #18

Ceist; What is 'What's the film about?' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cad faoi an scannán? Cad é a bhfuil an scannán faoi?*

*Céard, cad and cad é are each used for 'what' depending on dialect and preference. 

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #17

Ceist; What is 'I have no desire to do it.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Níl fonn orm é a dhéanamh

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #16

Ceist; What is 'It is quite cold today.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá sé roinnt fuar inniu, or, sach fuar

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #15

Ceist; What is 'I hope they are ready.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tá súil agam go bhfuil siad réidh.

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


 Irish Translation Challenge #14

Ceist; What is 'We were working very hard.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí muid ag obair an-chrua 

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #13

Ceist; What is 'They were drinking all day.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Bhí siad ag ól ar feadh an lae. 

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #12

Ceist; What is 'You'll get a cold?.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tiocfaidh slaghdán ort, or

Gheobhaidh tú slaghdán

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #11

Ceist; What is 'What about the children?.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cad faoi na leanaí? or Céard faoi na leanaí?

*you can use páistí instead of leanaí

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!



Irish Translation Challenge #10

Ceist; What is 'What are you talking about?.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Cad faoi a bhfuil tú ag caint?, or,

Céard air a bhfuil tú ag caint?

*There are 3 different 'whats' in Irish and different structures that you can use for this question. These are 2 examples. 

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #9

Ceist; What is 'I think that that's about it.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Is dóigh liom* gurb é sin é, or

Is dóigh liom* gurb in a bhfuil ann.

*There are many ways to say 'I think', like, 'sílim' or 'ceapaim' too

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #8

Ceist; What is 'Don’t cut the grass yet.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ná gearr an féar fós.

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #7

Ceist; What is 'There is no doubt about it' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Níl amhras dá laghad faoi, or, 

Níl aon amhras faoi

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #6

Ceist; What is 'Take good care of yourself.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Tabhair aire mhaith dhuit féin!

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #5

Ceist; What is 'It took a long time sure enough' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Thóg sé tamall fada ceart go leor

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!



Irish Translation Challenge #4

Ceist; What is 'I didn't have a chance to do it.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ní raibh seans agam é a dhéanamh 

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!



Irish Translation Challenge #3

Ceist; What is 'I would like a drink now.' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Ba mhaith liom deoch a bheith agam anois 

or, Ba mhaith liom deoch anois 

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Irish Translation Challenge #2

Ceist; What is 'He read the new book' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Léigh sé an leabhar nua

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 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Daily Irish Translation Challenge #1

Ceist; What is 'it will be very hot tomorrow' in Irish, as Gaeilge?

Beidh sé an-te amárach 

Copy and paste phrase here to hear 

 Tar Ar Ais Amárach / Come Back Tomorrow!


Go raibh maith agat! 


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