10 Basic Phrases in the Irish Language (Gaeilge) and Their Pronunciation
10 Basic Phrases in the Irish Language (Gaeilge) and Their Pronunciation
Fáilte, welcome to Gaelscoil Online, a place online to learn practical Irish that you can actually use every day.
If you are interested in learning Irish, or if you simply want to learn a few basic phrases for your next trip to Ireland, this blog is for you. In this blog post, we will provide you with ten basic Irish phrases that will help you get started on your language-learning journey.
So, let's get started! Ar aghaidh linn!
Here are ten basic phrases in Irish to get you started:
1. Hello = Dia dhuit
Pronounced as follows:
[Dee-ah gwit]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
2. How are you? = Conas atá tú?"
Pronounced as follows:
[Kun-us a-taw too]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
3. I'm Fine = Tá mé go maith
Pronounced as follows:
[Taw may guh mawh]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
4. Please = Le do thoil
Pronounced as follows:
[Luh duh hull]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
5. Thank you = Go raibh maith agat
Pronounced as follows:
[Guh rev mah ah-gut]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
6. I'm good, thank you = Tá mé go maith, go raibh maith agat
Pronounced as follows:
[Taw may guh mah]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
7. What's your name? = Cad is ainm duit?
Pronounced as follows:
[Cod is a-nim dit]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
8. I am (name) = Is mise [name]
Pronounced as follows:
[Iss mish-eh]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
9. Bye (when leaving) = Slán agat
Pronounced as follows:
[Slawn ah-gut]
Or copy and paste here to hear in different dialects
10. Bye (when someone is leaving) = Slán leat
Pronounced as follows:
[Slawn lat]