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Gaeilge from Peppa Muc Episode 3, Season 7


Irish Phrases That are Useful From Peppa Muc Episode 3


In this episode of Peppa Muc, Peppa and her friends meet Seánín Sioráf, who is very tall because he's a giraffe. Seánín gets sad when they are playing hide and seek because it's hard being so tall sometimes, but is happy again when he's able to help out getting the ball down from the tree. 

There are great phrases for playing games in Irish, and talking about height. 

Tip; you can watch the episodes in English first, or after, and then watch the Irish version to understand it more. 



Peppa Muc RTE Player

You can watch Peppa Muc on RTE player. 

1. Go to RTE player

2. Choose kids, and under 7

3. Scroll past Peppa Pig to find Peppa Muc




Peppa Muc Season 7, Episode 3

Episode in Irish; Seánín Sioráf

Episode in English; Gerald Giraffe 



Frásaí/ Phrases


An Tús/ The Start

You could say - D'fhéadfá a rá 

I'm taller than George - Tá mé níos airde ná George

It's time for preschool - Tá sé in am don naíonra

You are so tall - Tá tú chomh hard 

I'm taller - Tá mise níos airde 

It's getting worse - Tá sé ag fáil níos measa

Copy and paste here for pronunciation


An Lár/ The Middle

It's playtime - Tá sé in am spraoi

Are you (plural) ready? - An bhfuil sibh réidh? 

I'm on the way - Tá mé ar an mbealach

Let's play a game (in Irish, you use the future tense, so literally 'we'll play a game') - Imreoidh muid cluiche

Catch it -  Beir air 

I can't get it - Níl mé in ann é a fháil 

It's too high - Tá sé ró-ard

I can't - Níl mé in ann 

What can we do? - Céard is féidir linn a dhéanamh 

Copy and paste here for pronunciation


An Deireadh / The End

I've seen something - Tá rud a cinnte eile feicthe agam 

It's the turtle - An toirtís atá ann 

Aren't you tall? - Nach tú atá ard

My mammy and daddy are very old - Tá mo mhamaí agus mo dhaidí thar a bheith sean 

Copy and paste here for pronunciation


Watch this episode now and see if you can hear these phrases. Bain taitneamh as! Enjoy! 


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