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Peppa Pig as Gaeilge and useful phrases you can learn in Irish

Gaeilge from Peppa Muc Episode 2, Season 7


Irish Phrases That are Useful From Peppa Muc Part 2


You guys really liked last week's episode of Peppa Muc Irish, so let's continue. 

Peppa Pig as Gaeilge is a fantastic show to put on for the kids as Gaeilge, and to watch yourself with them.

The episodes are full of useful phrases you can learn and use at home. 

Tip; you can watch the episodes in English first, or after, and then watch the Irish version to understand it more. 



Peppa Muc RTE Player

You can watch Peppa Muc on RTE player. 

1. Go to RTE player

2. Choose kids, and under 7

3. Scroll past Peppa Pig to find Peppa Muc




Peppa Muc Season 7, Episode 2

Léim Pháraisúit

Parachute Jump



Frásaí/ Phrases


An Tús/ The Start

Unfortunately  Faraor

Tá sé ag fáil níos measa  It's getting worse  

Great idea An-smaoineamh

Grand Togha

You'll be grand Beidh tú togha

Isn't mammy great Nach iontach í Mamaí

Copy and paste here for pronunciation


An Lár/ The Middle

Don't worry Ná bíodh imní ort 

Now, you are ready Anois, tá tú réidh

I'm a little bit worried Tá beagán imní orm 

Don't worry - Ná bíodh imní ort 

That's Daddy - Sin é Daidí 

I have you - Tá tú agam 

Copy and paste here for pronunciation


An Deireadh / The End

I'm not too sure  Níl mé ró-chinnte 

Beautiful  Go hálainn 

Is Daddy okay?  An bhfuil Daidí ceart go leor? 

Brilliant Iontach

Fine/ Very good (like agreeing that something is fine)  Maith go leor

Copy and paste here for pronunciation


Watch this episode now and see if you can hear these phrases. Bain taitneamh as! Enjoy!


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