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6 Sentence Structures in Irish You Should Know


6 Sentence Structures Examples in Irish;

Mini Lesson 01


You may feel like sentence structure in Irish is quite tricky and a bit confusing. 

Fear not that while there are some complicated ways of saying things in Irish, as apose to their English equivalents, there are many sentences and sentence structures in Irish that are not that different and that you may already know


Sentence Structure 01

I am + adjective

Tá mé te

I am hot 

[taw may te]

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Sentence Structure 02

I am + adjective + adverb

Tá mé te anois

I am hot now

[taw may te a-nish]

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Sentence Structure 03

Verb + person (pronoun) + adverb

Chuaigh mé inné

I went yesterday

[who-ig may in-neigh]

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Sentence Structure 04

Verb + person (pronoun) +  verb (ing) + adverb

Chuaigh mé ag siopadóireacht inné

I went shopping yesterday

[who-ig may egg shup-a-dore-acht in-neigh]

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Sentence Structure 04, Example 2

Verb + person (pronoun) +  verb (ing) + adverb

Chuaigh mé ag rith inné

I went running yesterday

[who-ig may egg rih in-neigh]

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Sentence Structure 05

Verb + noun + prepositional pronoun

Tá tuirse orm

I am tired (There's tiredness on me) 

[taw tear-sha ur-im]

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Sentence Structure 06

Verb (imperative) + pronoun

Faigh é

Get it

[fiy ay]

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 Note; Compare  1 & 5

I am + adjective

Tá mé te


Verb + noun + prepositional pronoun

Tá tuirse orm



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