Silent Night in Irish | Oíche chiúin Lyrics & Video
Silent Night as Gaeilge
This is a fantastic song that babies and toddlers love. You can sing it in Irish and English. The Irish version here from Super Simple Amhráin has lots of great basic words for the young páistí.
Where to listen to this song
You can find the words below.
This song is found here on Cúla4 app or website; Amhrán spórtúil faoi oíche chiúin.
This song is also available in English on Super Simple Songs via Youtube and more.
'Silent Night' as Gaeilge lyrics
Oíche chiúin, oíche Mhic Dé, (Silent night, night of God)
Cách 'na suan dís araon, (Everyone is asleep pair together)
Dís is dílse 'faire le spéis (The most faithful pair watching with hope)
Naoín beag gnaoigheal (Darling little one)
ceananntais caomh (darling little)
Críost, ina chodhladh go séimh. (Christ, calmly asleep)
Críost, ina chodhladh go séimh. (Christ, calmly asleep)
Oíche chiúin, oíche Mhic Dé, (Silent night, night of God)
Cách 'na suan dís araon, (Everyone is asleep pair together)
Dís is dílse 'faire le spéis (The most faithful pair watching with hope)
Naoín beag gnaoigheal (Darling little one)
ceananntais caomh (darling little)
Críost, ina chodhladh go séimh. (Christ, calmly asleep)
Críost, ina chodhladh go séimh. (Christ, calmly asleep)
Oíche chiúin, oíche Mhic Dé, (Silent night, night of God)
Cách 'na suan dís araon, (Everyone is asleep pair together)
Dís is dílse 'faire le spéis (The most faithful pair watching with hope)
Naoín beag gnaoigheal (Darling little one)
ceananntais caomh (darling little)
Críost, ina chodhladh go séimh. (Christ, calmly asleep)
Críost, ina chodhladh go séimh (Christ, calmly asleep)
Where to listen to & Watch this song
You can find the words below.
This song is found here on Cúla4 app or website; Amhrán spórtúil faoi oíche chiúin.
This song is also available in English on Super Simple Songs via Youtube and more.
Would you like more songs and rhymes as Gaeilge for the kids?
Check out the other posts on kids and rhymes here
Check out this playlist on Youtube for more lessons, songs and rhymes for the kids as Gaeilge