Free Quickstart Guide

Irish for Parents

Gaeilge sa Bhaile

What would you like help with? 

👉 Speaking Irish at Home
👉 Understanding Irish to help my kids with School

Free Irish for Parents Quickstart Guide

The perfect place to start or restart your Gaeilge for the páistí! 


Whether you want to; 
  • Raise your children hearing the language 
  • Improve your Irish
  • Have a fresh start 
  • Finally be able to say you can speak your language 
  • Feel more confident with school homework 
  • Help your children at school 
  • Actually enjoy Irish
  • Show your children you have an interest too

Irish for Parents; Quickstart Guide

The ultimate, easy and practical way for any Mammy or Daddy (Grandparents welcome too) to kickstart their Gaeilge journey for themselves and their family. 

Get Your Free Guide

Not a beginner, or finished the Quickstart Guide?

Our Irish for Parents Mini Course is the perfect next step for you. 

It has all of the practical Irish you need from morning until night at home with the kids. 

Join now and have lifetime access.

Or is The Gaeilgeoir Parent Tribe Membership for you? 

This membership is the ultimate Irish-speaking membership, perfect for parents of children in a Gaelscoil, so you can keep up, or any parent who would love to pass on the language to their children. 


See More About this Membership


 Free Baby Basics Mini Ebook

Learn the basics for you and your baby 

Download the FREE Baby Basics Gaeilge Mini Ebook Guide to learn the most important words and useful sentences to use with your baby and toddler. 

Would you like to understand Irish to help your children at school?

I made a bespoke membership that explains everything you need to know about the Irish language to confidently help your children thrive at school. 

More Free Resources for Parents ...

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Cá bhfuil tú?

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Cá bhfuil tú?